What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
A cosmetic dentist is a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry. This includes teeth whitening, smile makeovers, and dental implants. A cosmetic dentistry practice has the capacity to provide these services and anything else an individual might be looking for in a dentist. They can also perform preventative care like checkups, cleanings, and sealants for those who would like to maintain their oral health.
Teeth whitening is a process of removing stains from the tooth surface and restoring the natural color of the teeth. Whitening is a one-time procedure performed by a dentist. It is amongst the most common and widely adopted procedure. With the advent of the latest Dental technology, we have advanced whitening treatment procedures which give reliable and long-lasting results.
For better results do get it done from a trained dental professional.
The enamel which reflects the natural color of your tooth can stain or dentin which is the inner surface of teeth stains and yellows the teeth. The causes of tooth discoloration are varied. Though many causes can be prevented yet there are some which are not in control
The causes of discoloration are:
Consuming tea, coffee, wine, cola frequently
Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco
High intake of fluoride during childhood
Damage of developing permanent teeth due to accident or trauma
Aging can also contribute to staining of teeth as with age the enamel gets thinner exposing the dentin below. With age, the dentin come in contact with certain food and beverage and can stain your teeth
Certain medical treatments can also contribute to staining of teeth
The process of Teeth Whitening clears the stain and make your teeth look whiter. However, one should keep in mind that the results may vary from person to person.
our dentist will first photograph your teeth which will help to know the progress of the treatment. This is also used to examine your tooth and figure out the stains.
After examining the tooth dentist will start by cleaning the tooth. He will remove the film on your enamel coated due to the food you eat or due to other substances. The whitening process begins after this. The entire process takes around 30-90 mins depending upon the severity of the stains on teeth.
Your dentist will cover the gums and will then apply the whitening agent on teeth. Some whitening agents require laser lights on them and if your teeth are badly stained then your dentist will suggest you continue the process at home for a few days.
You can also opt for home whitening treatment, in this, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and will make a custom fit mouthpiece. This helps the whitening agent to stay intact on your teeth.
One can also buy over the counter whitening products which is suitable only for the teeth which are not heavily stained.
Teeth whitening do not have any risks associated however, some people may feel sensitivity for a few days or can experience mild gum irritation for some days. Because Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic procedure it is not advised to pregnant ladies. They can get it done only after delivery